Effects of Urinary Incontinence on Mental Health

People dealing with incontinence can often feel negative emotions due to the stigma surrounding the topic. It can have a huge impact on quality of life as urine leakage can occur at any time, day, night, while traveling, during sex, or playing sports. It is estimated that 70% of affected people do not talk about their problem and only 7% consult their doctor. 

Most of the problems related to urinary incontinence are related to the physical limitations of everyday life, which can interfere with social and emotional relationships. It may cause feelings of shame, sadness and contribute to low self-esteem and depression. The inconveniences of leaving the house (fear of a bad smell, worrying about not having access to a bathroom nearby, etc.), greatly reduce social life and limit activities.

The relationship between incontinence and mental health is more common than it seems, but because it is a sensitive issue it is not treated enough. From the moment a person is affected or diagnosed with incontinence, a series of emotions or feelings can be developed that can have repercussions on mental health and/or quality of life.

It can affect each person differently and can present many different symptoms, but we can be attentive to some signs such as:

  • Mood swings such as irritability, frustration, emotional instability, and excessive sadness
  • Not wanting to socialise or do anything, which results in spending many hours in bed and/or on the sofa
  • Changes in diet such as eating more or stopping eating altogether
  • Changes in hygiene practices
  • Feelings of guilt 

When someone is affected with incontinence it is normal to have ups and downs, and it is all part of the process of acceptance. It is necessary to be patient as they take time to adapt and accept the changes that having urinary incontinence entails. If you have incontinence you are not alone, as it is estimated that urinary incontinence affects up to  10% of Australian men and 38% of Australian women.

Seek professional help by talking to your doctor about solutions and treatments to help manage your incontinence. You can get support from the National Continence Helpline at 1800 33 00 66. The helpline is staffed by Nurse Continence Specialists who offer free and confidential information, advice and support to people affected by incontinence. Click here for more information.

Let's break the taboos and find comfort by talking about it with friends or family. Self-care and maintaining your social life is very important. 

Remember you are not alone

Night N Day Comfort has developed a complete range of washable and reusable incontinence solutions for kids, women and men designed to give you confidence. 


NIGHT N DAY is a registered NDIS provider.


Should you require any product assistance … Did you know that we manufacture a complete range of incontinence products including absorbent underwear and waterproof pads? Some of these products also double as period-proof underwear.

We're with you Night n Day 

If you have any questions about incontinence or want to know what incontinence products are the best for you or your loved one don’t hesitate to contact our friendly Customer Service team



Web: https://nightnday.com.au

Email: gday@nightnday.com.au

Australia: (02) 9531 2011

International: +61 2 9531 2011

P: +61 2 9531 2011

Disclaimer: No content on this website, or in this article, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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