The Wide World of Incontinence

Bed Wetting in Winter: Managing Incontinence for Adults and Kids
As the chilly winter nights approach, it becomes even more crucial to address the challenges of bed wetting. Read our 6 practical tips to manage incontinence for adults and kids.

Incontinence Aids
Incontinence is a common condition during which the muscles responsible for holding and releasing urine suddenly relax. This can occur when suddenl...

Tips to help your kids to stop bedwetting
Kids can wet the bed for many different reasons. In most cases, it occurs when the child is in the process of moving away from a diaper, but there ...

Urinary Incontinence & Pregnancy
Are you pregnant or have had a baby recently? You may or may not know, but Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is the most common type of urinary inc...