Light vs Heavy Incontinence Products

Light vs Heavy Incontinence Products

Bladder leakage solutionsNight n Day Group
  Incontinence is more common than you might think and affects many people at different stages of life. Whether it's caused by age, a medical condi...
Pelvic Floor & Muscle Exercises

Pelvic Floor & Muscle Exercises

#incontinenceproductsNIGHT N DAY Comfort
PELVIC FLOOR: The pelvic floor is a region of muscles that encompass and can be described or depicted as a sling or hammock of muscles stretching ...
What causes incontinence

What causes incontinence

ContinenceNIGHT N DAY Comfort

What causes incontinence? What is incontinence?
Incontinence is the involuntary loss of bladder and bowel control. There are several types of incontinence. Stress incontinence, Urge incontinence, Overactive incontinence, Hyperactive incontinence, Overflow incontinence, Mixed incontinence, Functional incontinence, Reflex incontinence.