Did you know? 20% of Aussies Experience Incontinence.

Incontinence is a topic that is rarely discussed. So we decided to write a blog about it! Why it is such a taboo subject? What causes incontinence? Are there cures? Treatments? Keep reading to find out...

What is incontinence?

Incontinence affects 20% of the population - or 1 in 5 Aussies. Incontinence is when one does not have (full) control over their bladder or their bowel. This may be an ongoing dribble after urination, the inability to hold on when they 'need to go' or simply zero control over when they will actually go. In short, incontinence is when they cannot control the need to pee and/or poop. Sounds a bit awkward, right?

Thankfully, with the help of modern medicine, innovation and healthcare, people who experience incontinence are able to live with dignity, comfort and confidence - Night N Day!

What causes incontinence?

Well, there is no single factor. Scientists have discovered links between incontinence and mental health. This is exhibited in some people who have Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions.

Your Diet is also important, an unhealthy diet has also been directly correlated with experiencing incontinence as well as excessive caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. In many cases, there are a range of contributing factors that may lead to an individual experiencing varying degrees of incontinence.

HealthDirect lists 10 ways to stop leaks:

- Daily pelvic floor exercises
Quit smoking
The right exercise
Avoid lifting
Lose weight
Deal with constipation
Cut down on caffeine
Cut down on alcohol
Drink plenty of water
Eat the right foods

Unfortunately, incontinence does not just affect an individual’s practices privately, it can also have a significant social impact and be quite ostracising. Due to the social stigmas, incontinence is regarded as a taboo topic in society it can be an uncomfortable point of discussion for many - even those who do not suffer from it. It is common for people to shy away from social activities as it may be difficult for them to manage their incontinence outside a familiar environment (with quick and easy access to a bathroom) or due to the fear of others becoming aware of their condition.

You Are Not Alone
Fortunately, there are a lot of treatments, products and support available to help people manage their situation. Companies such as us - Night N Day Comfort - , are dedicated to inventing high quality products and solutions for people in need of support. Never be discouraged if a product does not suit your needs. Finding the perfect solution for you may take time and some trial and error however we are here to help you find a solution and live leak free!

With so many companies and services committed to providing continence aids and solutions, you are not short on help or assistance. And never forget, you are not alone!

The National Continence Helpline receives more than 28,000 calls a year. The Helpline can be contacted on 1800 33 00 66. For more information visit:


NIGHT N DAY is a registered NDIS provider.


Should you require any product assistance … Did you know that we manufacture a complete range of incontinence products including absorbent underwear and waterproof pads? Some of these products also double as period-proof underwear.

We're with you Night n Day 

If you have any questions about incontinence or want to know what incontinence products are the best for you or your loved one don’t hesitate to contact our friendly Customer Service team



Web: https://nightnday.com.au

Email: gday@nightnday.com.au

Australia: (02) 9531 2011

International: +61 2 9531 2011

P: +61 2 9531 2011

Disclaimer: No content on this website, or in this article, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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