FUNDING THE NDIS - Federal Budget 2021-22

On Tuesday 11 May, 2021 a snapshot of funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was handed down by the Australian Government when delivering the Federal Budget for 2021-22.

This is what the Federal Treasurer announced under Disability Assistance for the NDIS.

Please see below the information from the Federal Government regarding guaranteeing the NDIS.

“The Government is committing an additional $13.2 billion to the NDIS, ensuring as the NDIS grows people with significant and permanent disability will have the funding they need to participate in the community and reach their goals.”

“Improving the lives of people with disabilities and guaranteeing the provision of disability support for those who need it, by providing an additional $13.2 billion to the NDIS.”

The Government is providing record funding to the NDIS as more people with significant and permanent disability benefit from the scheme. In the 2021‑22 Budget, the Government is providing an additional $13.2 billion over four years. In total, funding for the NDIS is expected to grow to $122 billion over the next four years with contributions from the Commonwealth and states and territories.

Since 2013-14, the NDIS has grown from a trial of just over 7,000 to around 450,000 Australians, with over half receiving support for the first time.

Ensuring targeted support early in life

The Government is providing $17.9 million over four years for early intervention support to young children with developmental concerns or disability. This funding will ensure children and their families establish early connections with mainstream and community support services. These services include access to a range of workshops and supported playgroups to assist children to develop the skills and confidence they need later in life.

Removing barriers to entering the workforce

The Government is committed to giving Australians with disability choice and control over how they receive services. From 1 January 2022 people with disability who are eligible for Disability Employment Services and are job-ready can choose to participate in digital services. This opt-in approach will provide eligible job seekers with greater agency.”



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